What do we do with your information?

To complete transactions, our employees gathers personal data such as names, addresses as well as email addresses of customers who make purchases from us.

As you shop in our online store your IP address for your device is recorded automatically. This information allows us to understand your type of browser and operating system.

Email marketing (if appropriate) If you give us permission We may email you emails about our store, new products or other information.


What is the best way to get my permission to purchase?

If you supply us with your personal information in order to pay and verify your credit card\’s number, complete an online transaction or to arrange delivery, return, or exchange of a product and you agree that we are able to collect and use your information solely for the reason for which you provided it.

If we need to access your personal information for any other reason such as marketing or for other reasons, we\’ll either ask you directly for your express consent or we\’ll give you an opportunity to state \”no\”.


Personal information you provide us may be disclosed if it is required by law or in the event that our terms of service are not in compliance.

Section 4 – Third-Party Services

The third party providers whom we cooperate with in general, only use, collect and disclose information about you to the extent that it is necessary for them to provide the service.

There are a few third party service providers with privacy guidelines regarding the data we are required to supply them. They include payment gateways as well processors of transactions for payments.

We advise you to read their privacy policies so you know the ways in which your personal information will be handled by the providers.

Be aware of the possibility of providers who are in another jurisdiction or that have different facilities. If you decide to go through with a purchase which involves the services from a third-party provider, then your information might be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction(s) in which that service provider or its facilities are located.

Section 5 – Security

For your protection We employ industry-leading practices ensure your safety, use security measures, and adhere to reasonable safeguards, so that private information doesn\’t get misused, lost, mistreated, exposed or shared, modified or destroyed.

We encrypt your information using SSL and save it in AES-256. Even though transmissions via the Internet can not be guaranteed to be safe and storage on electronic devices cannot be assured to be 100 percent safe, we have implemented all PCI DSS regulations and other standardizations in the field.


If you access this site, it is a sign that you\’re at the age of 18 within your home province, state or country, or have provided us with permission to allow minor children that you have access to the site.